Monday, January 28, 2008

not taking her life...

I knew I should not have gone to school today.. I can't believe what just happened and I will make sure it never happens again -- Here I am driving along -- and I almost kill someone.. There is killign yourself --then killing someone else --taking someone else's life away from them.. the look on her face.. she stopped and put her hands to her chest.. I saw it was a green light.. a truck was turning.. had that truck not made its turn..omg.. what am I going to do.. I didn't feel right mentally or physically today anyway...I am too scared and ashamed to tell my parents.. and ashamed of myself..I need to try and shake this one..thank god she is not even injured.. not even a scratch.. I would probably kill myself, even if she was scratched..Okay ..the day is beginning now..I hope she is alright..wherever you are ..I am praying for you...

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